The Growing Relevance of eSignatures for HR

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DigiSigner for Human Resources Departments

As a human resources manager, you probably meet a huge number of candidates on a daily basis. In the pursuit of finding the ideal hires, you most likely get yourself quite an amount of paperwork. The traditional pen-on-paper signatures are becoming impractical, and the digital technology intervenes with a timely, secure, and legally binding way of signing HR documents and forms, online.

eSignatures for HR management and Recruiting

To hire the perfect employee, you have to process numerous resumes, offer letters, NDAs, and handbooks. However, this paperwork can often be overwhelming for HR departments, so implementing an electronic signature solution might be the best option for your organization. 

Legally Binding

An essential aspect of eSignatures for human resources is their legality. Electronic signature vendors ensure that digital documents are recognized as legitimate and legally binding representations of an agreement.
Any eSignatures by DigiSigner meet the strict security and authentication requirements required under the ESIGN Act, eIDAS, and other relevant laws.

ESIGN Act and the UETA have requirements before an electronic signature can be recognized as valid under U.S. laws. These include the intent to sign, consent to do business electronically, an association of signature with the record, and record retention. If both parties agree to these, digital signatures are then valid and legally binding.

What Documents Can HR Process with eSignatures?

Here are some of the most frequently used HR documents that can be signed with electronic signature software: 

Onboarding Process

  • Business terms of service
  • Company pension agreements
  • Employment contract
  • Employment handbook
  • Employee personal data i.e. contact details, next of kin
  • Equality & diversity questionnaire
  • Health insurance
  • Job descriptions
  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Offer letters
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Retention bonus agreements

During Employment

  • Appraisal forms
  • Bonus agreements
  • Communications & IT policies
  • Casual worker agreements
  • Data protection & privacy policy
  • Health & safety policy
  • Incident report forms
  • Intellectual property policy
  • General HR policies & procedures
  • Grievance policy
  • Goal agreement forms
  • Leave of absence / PTO forms
  • Manage guide agreements
  • Promotion agreements
  • Roles & responsibility updates
  • Training certification
  • Timesheets
  • Zero-hours contracts

The Exit Process

  • End of contract agreement/separation notification
  • Exit interview attestation
  • Notification of indefinite or temporary layoff

Electronic signature solution for human resources

Environmental Impact 

The companies that adopt environmentally-friendly business practices are favored over their competitors. Your prospect employees will appreciate the fact that you are a socially responsible company, and you will be able to attract tech-savvy candidates who are aware of the digital transformation benefits.
Going green will establish you as a highly trustworthy organization, especially among the millennials who make the largest generation in the labor force of the job market.  

Did you know that it takes 13 liters of water to make a standard sheet of printer paper? The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets per year. 

An average printer cartridge is 70% plastic, and it takes 3-4 liters of crude oil (a non-renewable resource) to produce one laser cartridge and up to 100 milliliters of crude oil to produce one ink cartridge.

Electronic signature paperless business

The Necessary Addition for Seamless HR and Business Operations 

Some other benefits of the electronic signature for HR departments are the accuracy, centralized document management model, and data compliance. Data compliance allows human resources managers and other HR professionals to track the history of documents that are signed by the employees as well as the employers and then store the data in the cloud.

DigiSigner can streamline a wide variety of processes, cut costs, improve compliance, and free up staff time for other critical HR and facilities functions. Sign up for a free electronic signature trial now.

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