Why Lawyers Need To Understand eSignatures

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Why Lawyers Need To Understand eSignatures

With the rapid advancement of technology, law companies often found it easier to sign documents electronically rather than utilizing pen-on-paper procedures.

Why Lawyers Need To Understand eSignatures

Electronic signatures are something that lawyers have to implement sooner or later. They can significantly speed up the signing process while improving the customer experience. But, eSignatures also have to conform to legal requirements so they can be considered legally binding.
As the eSignatures change the rules of how we sign things, it is important to note the local court rules for what that venue requires for signatures.

Read on to find out more about eSignatures for law firms and legal teams and why they need to understand eSignatures.

Permanent Electronic Signature Solution for Transactional Attorneys

While traditional electronic signature vendors may prohibit attorneys from making changes to the documents, the ones who recognized the importance of implementing a more flexible policy succeeded to avoid unacceptable delays for complex closings.

For instance, transactional attorneys often have to distribute signature pages to be signed days ahead of closing to ensure all parties have put their signatures before important transaction deadlines.
All signatories’ actions are permanent, and if they make a mistake, the agreement must be redistributed to be re-signed by all other parties.

Legally binding electronic signature solution for lawyers

The Importance of Knowing Your Audience

When lawyers are familiar with the law applying to electronic signatures, they are more likely to accept eSignatures. Therefore, they can advocate for their use where their clients wish to sign documents digitally.

Additionally, lawyers have to keep regular contact with counterparty’s lawyers early in the process. They have to acknowledge the requirements of other stakeholders that may require due execution opinions.

What Makes eSignatures Legally Binding

Electronic signatures can be proved legality in court for the vast majority of agreements.
DigiSigner secures the signed documents, agreements, contracts, or forms with a tamper-evident seal. In other words, you will get a court-admissible Certificate of Completion, signers’ names and their email addresses, as well as IP addresses, and an audit trail that records all critical documents’ activity.

Legally binding eSignatures for documents, agreements, contracts

Why Lawyers Need to Implement eSignatures

The traditional procedure of signing, printing, scanning, and faxing of a document that requires multiple signatures can often be delayed by several hours. Thus, using ink signatures can sometimes lead to wasted time, delays, and possibly missing deadlines.

On the other hand, eSignatures can significantly speed up the collaboration process with clients as the whole process is pretty streamlined. Legally binding electronic signature solution allows lawyers to share documents and obtain signatures anywhere in the world.

Finally, eSignatures offer law firms increased efficiency, security, and cost-savings. Hence the urge to implement this technology as part of the ongoing drive towards digitalization in the legal profession.

With DigiSigner, clients receive documents for online signing with clear and straightforward instructions within seconds. Documents can be signed right away using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Sign up with DigiSigner today to get your electronic signature FREE trial.

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