Why Insurance Agencies Should Use Electronic Signature?

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  3. Why Insurance Agencies Should Use Electronic Signature?

The needs of insurance agencies are related mainly to the heavily regulated and document loaded procedure which urge them to proceed with an online signature process which is more formal and legally binding.

With all the applications, policies, claim forms, approvals, and invoices that involve each customer, the insurance companies have been some of the fastest adopters of today’s automated workflows, in particular, an eSignature solution.

Don’t let complex paper processes cost you and your insurance business valuable time that jeopardizes the relationship with your clients. Implementing DigiSigner eSignature software addresses more than just bottom-line savings; it also automates workflows throughout all core insurance operations and reduces the risk of non-compliance and human error with audit trails, logs, and tamper-free documents.

Read on to find out why the electronic signature solution is crucial for speeding up business processes for your insurance company.

Immediate Closings

A few decades ago, it took days or weeks for insurance agencies to print and mail paperwork to their clients for obtaining all required signatures. Luckily, the free electronic signature solution allows all parties involved in the process to access the electronically delivered documents and forms via any smart device, including cell phones. Nowadays, a deal that used to take a couple of weeks to finalize can be easily negotiated and closed on the same business day.

Signing insurance documents

Improved Productivity

Using an eSignature system for your insurance company seems simple, but it can improve some of the fundamental aspects of your business.
An electronic signature software can reduce the margin of human error to a minimum. The chances of your documents being misplaced, sent to the wrong address, or end up in a pile on someone’s desk are almost impossible. The automated notifications ensure that the signer responsible for closing a transaction will be aware of the deal’s status at all times. This can significantly improve productivity and faster closings.

Maintaining Security

All electronically signed documents with DigiSigner become tamper-proof at the moment they are signed. This way the insurance company can maintain 100% secure documents sending and prevent them from being modified in any way. Your eSignature documents are carefully stored in our system and can be copied for archiving purposes or electronic records at any time.

Digital technology connecting world

IP Address Verification

Like most digital processes, an important reason why insurance agencies should use electronic signatures is the IP address verification. The reason why eSignature solutions are so useful in the insurance industry is because of the extra layer of verification that can support the legitimacy of a signed document in front of the court.

Increased Revenue

Electronic signature service can dramatically reduce operational and processing costs while increasing your customer satisfaction and business volume. Signing all documents online means fewer resources spent on paper, ink, and postage.
Insurance agencies can initiate and close more deals and spend more time establishing relationships with prospective clients which will inevitably lead to increased revenues.

Increase revenue graphDigiSigner electronic signature system provides insurance companies with an online solution for quick and secure signing. Insurance agents and clients can sign anywhere, anytime over the web. Sign up for 14-day free trial now.

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