Sign eContracts Online

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  3. Sign eContracts Online

eContracts are used by companies of various sizes to certify their business relationships with other organizations. When all contracts are stored in electronic format, it is much more convenient to work with the data, analyze it and to create reports. Documents are not lost, and the signing of contracts does not take time to organize personal meetings.

Sign eContracts online with DigiSigner

To sign an eContract online, you can use the DigiSigner service. To start working with the service, go through the registration in your e-mail box. Immediately after this, a personal account will open.

Upload a document from your PC or smartphone using the Upload or Get from cloud button if you use Dropbox or Google Drive to store documents. When the eContract appears in your account, click Sign.

A new page will open. Reach to the place where your requisites are required. Click the left mouse button and select the format of the electronic signature: painting with a mouse or touchpad, loading a scan, a snapshot on a webcam or a text box.

After that, adjust the position and size of the signature in the document. After completing the setup, click Done.

The signed comment will appear in your account under this document. Your digital signature can no longer be deleted. To sign other members, click Send for signing. If the second party signs first, you will find the document in the Waiting for me folder.

Requirements for signing an eContract online:

  • Get agreement from all parties to the contract.
  • Inform all participants about what their signature means.
  • Prepare other options and paper copy upon request.
  • Report that consent can be withdrawn.
  • Save copies.

Note! The party that prepares the electronic contract must keep digital or paper copies of the documents. She either provides them to the second party right away or tells you how to get these copies.

Use DigiSigner to sign electronic contracts online from any device without being in the office. The service guarantees a high level of confidentiality of the information and its encryption.

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